S.Kes, Ftr
Registration Number: 17-03-7-1-1-22-4222533
Buda is a Physiotherapist here at Mejiro Physio. He is a registered Physiotherapist under The Indonesian Health Profession Board and is certified in dry needling.
Buda is both an expert in the human body and in sports. His experiences as a physiotherapist and as an amateur body builder competitor allow him to know the consequences of injuries on the body in the finest details.
Whether you got injured doing tennis, golfing, surfing or kickboxing, Buda can determine which area need passive physiotherapy and how he can design a functional movement session to get you back on your feet.
If you need a professional physio in Bali that can understand the consequences of your sport or your lifestyle on your body, then Buda is your best bet.